Build. Share. Rewind.

This is me!

I am a Front-End Engineer focused on new and scalable technologies based in Prague. Being a consultant I have shipped solutions to small, medium and huge companies to grow their business and, mostly, help them meet their business goals, without leaving quality aside.

My passions are the design and implementation of front-end projects, open-source stuff and evangelizing cool technologies. I also try to be as active as possible in local communities and I really like to bring new stuff to where I'm invited to speak.

Things I can do

I love exploring new territory, so I'm always looking for challenges related to any of my current areas of interest:

  • Front-end Performance Optimization
  • Scalable Architecture Patterns
  • Developer Tooling
  • Functional and Reactive Programming
  • User Interaction Design

Some technical keywords include:

  • JavaScript, TypeScript, and Swift
  • React, Preact, Next.js, and Gatsby.js
  • styled-components, emotion, glamor and just about any CSS-in-JS library
  • redux and related tooling (e.g. redux-saga, redux-act, reselect, etc.)
  • Bundlers and bundle optimization techniques

Here is what I can offer you:

  • Performance analysis of your application and a plan to perfect it
  • Performance improvement of build pipelines and frontend tooling
  • Building web and mobile applications
  • Building tools and processes to improve developer experience on your team
  • Refactoring and modernization of legacy code
  • Training on web semantics, JavaScript and CSS, React and pull request etiquette
  • Engineering leadership, mentoring and hiring
  • Technical writing


Staff Software Engineer, Front-End (Surveys & Assets)

MedalliaPrague, Czechia

August, 2024Present

Sr. Software Engineer, Front-End (Surveys & Assets)

MedalliaPrague, Czechia

March, 2022July, 2024

I've been helping them rebuild their surveys platform with a focus on Developer Experience (DX) and user-perceived performance.

My work includes measuring performance and its impact on user behavior, identifying culprits for bad experiences and addressing issues like delayed TTIs, high input latency, and janky animations. Also, I've been modernizing the codebase, pushing its rewrite in TypeScript, and adopting new tools.

Mostly working with:

  • JavaScript and TypeScript
  • React
  • redux and related tooling
  • Lighthouse, size-limit, and other performance measuring tools
  • Webpack and bundle optimization techniques
  • Jest, unit testing, integration testing, and robust testing infrastructure
  • Jenkins and related CI infrastructure
  • JIRA, Confluence, and other project management and documentation solutions

Sr. Software Engineer, Front-End (Citrix Workspace MicroApps)

CitrixPrague, Czechia

January, 2021January, 2022

I have helped architect and implement new features, address critical bugs, and improve Developer Experience in the MicroApps Builder, a low-code environment part of Citrix Workspace.

Mostly working with:

  • JavaScript and TypeScript
  • React
  • GraphQL, Apollo and its ecosystem
  • i18next and internationalization
  • Jest, unit testing, integration testing, and robust testing infrastructure
  • Jenkins and related CI infrastructure
  • JIRA, Confluence, and other project management and documentation solutions

Sr. Software Engineer, Front-End

STRVPrague, Czechia

September, 2020December, 2020

Software Engineer, Front-End

STRVPrague, Czechia

July, 2019September, 2020

Working to grow the business and help our clients meet their goals, without leaving quality aside.

Amongst the clients I have worked with being at STRV, I would highlight:

  • LivePenalty: A game that allows players to control a football launching machine through their digital devices.

  • Surge: The fastest-growing gay dating app on the US market and the most searched gay dating app on the Apple App Store.

  • Minted: An online marketplace of independent artists and designers. The company crowdsources art and graphic design through monthly design challenges.

Mostly working with:

  • JavaScript and TypeScript
  • React and Next.js
  • React Native
  • Redux and related tooling (e.g. redux-saga, redux-act, reselect, etc.)
  • Firebase services (Auth, Firestore, etc.)
  • Shopify, Liquid, and third-party Shopify themes and apps
  • Github Actions and other continuous integration workflows
  • Netlify and other cloud platforms
  • JIRA and other project management solutions

Tech Lead, Front-End

Beakyn CompanyGreater New York City Area

February, 2018August, 2019

Sr. Software Engineer, Front-End

Beakyn CompanyGreater New York City Area

September, 2017August, 2019

Building large-scale geographic data visualization platforms and assets curation systems.

Mostly working with:

  • JavaScript and TypeScript
  • React and Next.js
  • React Native and iOS native development
  • redux and related tooling (e.g. redux-saga, redux-act, reselect, etc.)
  • Webpack and bundle optimization techniques
  • Map data plotting and analyzation tools (e.g. Mapbox GL, Turf.js, pbf, etc.)
  • Firebase services (Auth, Cloud Functions, Firestore, etc.)
  • Authentication, authorization, and accounting infrastructure (mostly with Auth0 and node.js)
  • Chat & Chatbots tooling (Intercom, Tokbox, Dialogflow, etc.)
  • Buddy CI and other continuous integration workflows
  • Vercel, Heroku, and other cloud platforms
  • Github Projects and other project management solutions

Intern, Apple Platforms

Apple Developer Academy | IFCEFortaleza e Região, Brasil

January, 2016December, 2017

Trained aiming at developing apps for the world’s most innovative and vibrant app ecosystem. The program focuses on software development, startup creation, and app design with an emphasis on creativity and collaboration to empower and equip students to develop the skills needed to succeed.

Mostly learning and working with:

  • Swift and Objective-C
  • iOS frameworks and APIs (e.g. Foundation, UIKit, AutoLayout, CoreData, MapKit, CoreLocation, CoreMotion, Push Notifications, etc.)
  • watchOS frameworks and APIs (e.g. WatchKit, WatchConnectivity, etc.)
  • tvOS frameworks and APIs (e.g. UIKit, Focus Engine, TVMLKit, etc.)
  • Server-side Swift frameworks and APIs (e.g. Vapor)
  • Unit and integration tests tools (e.g. XCTest, Quick, Nimble, etc.)
  • SpriteKit and other game development focused APIs (e.g. GameCenter)



Google Developer Experts

February, 2023Present

The Google Developer Experts program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who have expertise in Google technologies, are active leaders in the space, natural mentors, and contribute to the wider developer and startup ecosystem.

Programme Committee, React Summit US


February, 2023Present

As a member of this committee I go over the proposed talks for the United States chapter of React Summit and, with the rest of the team, I help decide which sessions get a slot on the agenda.


TechLabs Berlin

November, 2020Present

TechLabs is a completely free platform for people from all disciplines to learn different programming skills.

As a mentorship coordinator—and a mentor—, I had a chance to:

  • Take an active part in the project ideation phase to help the students develop their own vision
  • Regularly the project team, helping them making progress with their project
  • Give feedback on the current track
  • Present workshops on technologies I have expertise in, like React.js, TypeScript, Firebase, etc.
  • Helped recruiting more volunteers to help the team
  • Promoted improvements to how mentoring happens

Developer Advocate

DEVIO Foundation

January, 2015December, 2018

Since 2015 I've been acting as speaker, helper and organizer at local meetups and conferences promoted by DEV I/O Fortaleza which aim to spread knowledge related to a large variety of technologies which include JavaScript, Node.js, Ionic, Functional Programming and others.

Local Manager

CocoaHeads Brasil

January, 2016September, 2017

I've helped for months the organization of the local edition of CocoaHeads (the Fortaleza chapter) in many areas which include gathering speakers and sponsors and giving multidisciplinary lectures.